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Delivering powerful design & marketing solutions to get you results.

Brand & Identity

As important as getting your product out there, equally so is creating a brand that your consumers will remember.  Just as people might describe you as "Suzy" with "short brown hair" who "drives a Hybrid" and "is a realtor," you want consumers to recognize you as your name, your look, your message, and your mission.

Consumer Behavior


Before you put your brand out on the market, it's important to know who you're putting your brand in front and how they shop. We'll identify your target audience and their shopping behavior.  Where is your product best placed in retail?  What is the right flow of traffic for your retail space?  What level of service do your consumers expect and does the feel of your retail space equally match the feel of your product?

Retail Strategy


 Maybe your shelf placement could be better, maybe your product would be more heavily shopped in a different department.  Do you have signage? Displays? Attractive packaging? Do you know how many opportunities you may be missing to connect with your shoppers from the moment they walk in the retail door?  We do.

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Packaging Design


​Great packaging can gain the initial interest of a consumer.  Conversely, packaging that doesn't visually suggest the value of what's inside could cause consumers to pass right by your incredible product. A product can be out of this world, but if your packaging isn't, consumers may never have the opportunity to learn that!


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